Jeremy Roca is a presence at Mass; gregarious and full of life, Jeremy has a smile and warm welcome for everyone at Mass. He models that behavior because that’s the advice he would give our new parishioners as they come into our parish. “Connect with those around you at Mass,” he offers, “Say ‘hi,’ and introduce yourself. It’s how I got involved: by allowing the community to minister to you. Let them meet you where you are and find what opportunities you might be looking for.”
Jeremy has been involved in liturgical ministries as a Eucharistic Minister and a Lector and has volunteered with Faith Formation. Thinking about his times serving at Mass, he says, “What blows my mind is that when we gather in community, in all that we are and all that we bring, the Risen Jesus that we learn about in the gospel becomes present. During the readings, I couldn’t help but try to imagine who I was in this story. How would I receive what Jesus is saying? Would I be challenged, perplexed, confused, consoled? And then we move to the table of the Eucharist, and the words of the Eucharistic prayer, and the people’s response truly fills my heart with joy.”
When asked about opportunities to volunteer, Jeremy reflects, “We are so loved by the risen Jesus that he continuously invites us to his Table to be nourished, strengthened, and sent out with him in community.” Jeremy feels we have a vibrant ministry program at St. Francis Parish because we hear the call to serve others in the larger community. According to Jeremy, this ‘call’ was best embodied by someone at St. Francis who told him, “The greatest ‘hurt’ is not knowing love; not being loved; not experiencing and hearing the words: I love you.” Our call is to go out and ensure that all feel the love we share at St. Francis; that is why we minister.