How DO I Get Care?
Stephen Ministers are volunteers who offer confidential Christian care to those who seek prayerful, emotional support to deal with stress, grief, life transitions or other concerns. They offer empathetic listening, unconditional positive regard, and other resources and referrals as needed. St. Francis’ Stephen Ministry is part of a worldwide caregiving network.
- How do I receive care through Stephen Ministry
If you would like to receive pastoral care from a Stephen Minister, please call 919-847-8205×234 or contact - How could I become a Stephen Minister?
Stephen Ministers commit to 50 hours of initial training. After that, ministers take part in ongoing supervision and education twice a month during a two-year ministry commitment. If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister please complete the application form.
Completed forms can be deposited into the gold mailbox on the wall by the receptionists desk addressed to Stacey Shine or print and then scan your form and email it to Stacey Shine at
If you are in need of an Eucharistic Minister for a homebound individual, please Contact: Shannon Hoffman at
Feed the Need supports our community’s authentic living of the Christian life. If you are in need of some meals because of a life transition, please click here for a form. (