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Meet our Councils


There are several councils and committees that exist to advise our Pastor, TFS Principal, Preschool Director, and Justice & Peace Director in matters related to the Parish, the Franciscan School, and the Preschool.  These consultative bodies assist these leaders as they seek guidance in overseeing the well-being and growth of our faith community.  

Pastoral CouncilAlphabetic order: Marie Bagin, Msgr. Michael Clay, Heather Curran, Anna Fowler, Ferrel Guillory, Tricia Henry, Jacob House, Michelle Kaiser, Quyen Le, Shailesh Maingi, Mary Makhlouf, Benjamin Pappas, Fr. James Singarayar, Kathy Sales, Mae Villanueva, Mike Wrzesien, Not pictured: Robert McKinney, Steve Vebber 


Finance Council

Seated (left to right):  Dawn Smith, Sarah Hoffman, Steve Vebber, Clare Pope, David Nerz, Lachlan Cox  Standing (Left to Right): Esperanza Neri, Paul Fedorkowicz, Heidi Hobler, Fr. James, Reji John, Steven Joseph, Rob Neppel, Bill Laxton, Luke O’Rourke, Graham Dixon, Tom Mense, Arvie Lacson  Not pictured:  Delynn Alexander, Pete Russo, Mae Villanueva, Msgr. Clay

School Advisory Council

Front Row from left: Joanne Sullivan, Dawn Smith, Kathy Sales
Back Row from left:Colette Dziadul, Megan Longley, Melanie Elliott, Kathryn Friedman, Msgr. Michael ClayNot pictured: Rob Neppel, Ann Giannini, Kathleen Kodak, Sarah Hoffman, Bryan Dunn, Fr. Jim Sabak

Preschool Advisory Council

Back Row:  Emily Edwards (co-chair), Heidi Hobler, Rob Neppel, Katie Haden, Molly O’Reardon.  Front Row: Katherine Tejano, Susann Cassidy, Laura Laut (co-chair) Not pictured: Msgr. Michael Clay, Heather Curran, Kathy Sales

Youth Advisory Council 

Justice and Peace Tithe Stewardship Council

Justice and Peace Advisory Council…in progress

In accordance with the provisions of Canon Law and the policies of the Diocese of Raleigh, the Pastoral Council is a representative group of parishioners who, through consensus, serve as a consultative body to the Pastor. The Council is a strategic visioning group that fosters the implementation of the Parish Mission statement through short term and long term strategic planning. Each member of the council has the sense of being a servant of the entire parish without being considered necessarily deputies of a specific constituency. The Pastoral Council is appointed by the pastor to expand and enhance the decision-making process of strategic pastoral planning.


Synod Summary Report for Diocese – St. Francis Raleigh
Synod Summary Report for Parish


Pastoral Council Minutes 2024-04-09


Pastoral Council Minutes 2023-09-26
Pastoral Council Minutes 2023-08-01
Pastoral Council Minutes 2023-06-06
Pastoral Council Minutes 2023-03-07
Pastoral Council Minutes 2023-01-17

Every Catholic parish in the world is required to have a Finance Council. This is an advisory group of parishioners with expertise in matters related to the financial and material well-being of the parish. The Council is charged with ensuring the resources entrusted to and maintained by the parish are properly managed, considering the Church’s values, the mission of the community of faith, and sound business practices. Members are appointed by the pastor and reflect the various needs he has for solid oversight and advice on all matters related to the financial and material resources of the community.

2022-2023 Annual Financial Report

2024 Finance Council Minutes

January 2024
March 2024
April 2024

2023 Finance Council Minutes

February 2023
April 2023
May 2023
September 2023
October 2023
November 2023

2022 Finance Council Minutes

February 2022
March 2022
May 2022
June 2022
August 2022
November 2022