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David Payne

Dave Payne, a leader in the St. Francis Knights of Columbus, doesn’t mince words: “It is my faith that drives all aspects of my life. From my family, my marriage, my work in the community, and my relationships with those I meet, my faith kicks me in the britches to do what I can for those I am privileged to serve.” 

That drive gets him moving, but the impact of the volunteer work he is involved with keeps him coming back and is personally rewarding for him. “When you deliver a truckload of food and clothing to Our Lady of the Rosary or to CPO, it’s the hugs and tears that help make sense of why we do what we do.” The last drive at Our Lady of the Rosary produced almost six months of food for their pantry, all from our very own generous St. Francis parish. “When we drop off boxes of new winter coats to Note in the Pocket, operated by our very own Dallas Bonavita,” says Dave, “is just something hard to describe. I can close my eyes and see the face of that child in need receiving one of those coats.” “These experiences,” he adds, “are humbling and underscore how grateful I am for the many blessings and gifts I have in my life.”

Dave encourages everyone that this is a perfect time to get involved! “Stacey Shine, the parish Director of Engagement and Development, just sent out a list of opportunities where people can serve,” he says. Dave’s experiences in the Knights have shown him that we all have strengths and talents that could serve others. “This is a chance to make a difference and even inspire others through your service,” Dave says to encourage potential volunteers. “It is that first step that will lead a person to run marathons in service. Just take that step!”