Weekly Reconciliation Services
The sacrament of reconciliation for individuals is celebrated most Saturdays of the year between 4:00-4:45pm in the main church. There are normally two priests present. We recommend that you arrive well before 4:45pm so we may accommodate you.
First Reconciliation
Sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist is a two-year long journey and can start as early as first grade, culminating with the celebration both Sacraments during the second year of preparations.
For more information, contact Marisa Ferrara, Coordinator of Elementary Evangelization & Formation at
Reconciliation for First Time Adults
RCIA celebrates the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and eucharist, along with all the rites belonging to those who wish to become Christians. It is a rite for those unbaptized or baptized in another Christian tradition. Individuals should be seven years of age or older to inquire about RCIA.