Mass Intentions and Prayer Requests
Mass Intentions
Mass requests will be granted as close to the requested day and time as possible.
If it is not possible to comply with the primary request, the next closest date and time will be scheduled. Please review our Mass Intentions Policy
We will begin accepting Mass intentions for the following year in the fall. The opening date will be announced in the bulletin and on our social media channels.
- Only one Mass request can be accepted per Mass time. An individual can request up to two names or a group (ie. deceased friends of John Smith) per Mass request.
- A maximum of six intentions per year from any one individual may be scheduled at the parish with no more than two scheduled for a weekend Mass. All other requests will be scheduled for the parish daily Masses.
- Requests will be honored on a first-come, first serve basis in the order in which the request is received at the Parish Office.
- For each Mass request there is $10 suggested donation.
- Mass Intentions are accepted up to 1:00 pm on Thursdays for the upcoming weekend based on availability.
How to submit a Mass Intention:
- Step 1: View calendar for “Mass AVAILABLE” dates. Click Here
- Step 2: On-line request form Click Here or printable request form (to be dropped off mailed to parish office). Click Here

Prayers of the Faithful
An opportunity for you to request prayers for the deceased and the sick for the weekend Mass Prayers of the Faithful.
- Prayers of the Faithful for the sick will be limited for two weeks on the POTF list. If you would like prayers to be continued they can be moved over to our Prayer Line Ministry.
- These requests will also be placed on the website if so requested.
- Note: for our recently deceased parishioners, no family connection will be read, only the name.
- Prayers of the Faithful requests are accepted up to 1:00 pm on Thursdays for the upcoming weekend Masses. We cannot guarantee names will be recorded/logged for requests received after 1:00 pm on Thursday. These requests will be listed the following weekend.
How to submit a prayer request:
- Submit an on-line request form. Click Here
- or printable request form (to be dropped off mailed to parish office). Click Here
Prayer Line Ministry
Our volunteers keep your requests in prayer, you can request prayers for the deceased, sick/ill, special occasions or prayers of Thanksgiving. These prayers are not publicized and if a name is mentioned in the request, it is held in confidence. A Prayer request can be as simple as: “Please pray for my friend who has cancer.”
Three ways to submit a prayer
- Use our online request page (click here)
- You can also send your request directly to Paul Wilson at
- We have a prayer box located in the Stewardship Center in the church, where you can place your hand written requests.
If you would like more information about this ministry, or to volunteer, please contact Paul Wilson at

Only one Mass request can be accepted per Mass time.
- An individual can request up to two names or a group (ie. deceased friends of John Smith) per Mass request.
- A maximum of six (6) intentions per year from any one individual may be scheduled at the parish with no more than two (2) scheduled for a weekend Mass. All other requests will be scheduled for the parish daily Masses.
- Requests will be honored on a first-come, first serve basis in the order in which the request is received at the Parish Office.
- A $10 stipend, as determined by diocesan policy, is to accompany each Mass request. Intentions will not be recorded until the stipend is received. Canon Law requires that all stipends taken for Mass Intentions be said for the intention as designated.
- Mass Intentions are accepted up to 1:00pm on Thursday for the upcoming weekend based on availability.