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All Ministries

Altar Servers and Thurifers

From the processional hymn to the recessional, altar servers help the Celebrant and the assembly celebrate the Mass. No experience necessary.

Contact :

Joanie Madormo


Always God’s Children (AGC)

This ministry, named after the US Bishops’ 1998 pastoral letter, entitled “Always Our Children,” offers a confidential setting for those who identify as LGBTQ+, along with our family, friends, and anyone who supports and cares for us as children of God. Monthly gatherings provide a safe place to pray together, share our experiences, and talk over our concerns.

Contact :

Stacey Shine
(919) 847-8204 x 249

Alzheimer’s/Dementia Caregiver Support Group

The group offers caregivers a safe place to share their struggles and gather ideas on how others deal with the everyday challenges of caring for a loved one during each stage of dementia.  The emphasis is on sharing information, education and support. We welcome new participants.

Contact :

Assisi Cafe Volunteers

Volunteer to work in the Assisi Café during weekdays mornings 8:30am-10:30am from September-May.

Contact :

Ashley Watson
(919) 847-8204 x 444

Assisi Scripture/Adult Bible Study

All are welcome for adult bible study groups.

Contact :

Brooke Kingston

Baptism Preparation

Meeting with and preparing our families with infants and children to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism through a once-a-month preparation session.

Contact :

Martina Dumberger
(919) 847-8205 x 264

Basketball High School

Boys League play for 9th-12th graders. The season runs February thru May with registration beginning in January.

Contact : Tim Burns

Contact :

Basketball Summer Adult

Adult Men’s Over 18 League play during June and July on weekends only. Teams will have no practice time. Registration begins in April. Registration is TEAM BASED only. Players will form their own teams and submit their registration as a team.

Contact : Tim Burns

Contact :

Basketball Youth

This program is open to girls and boys grades 1st thru 8th playing in 6 different divisions. Youth league play runs during the months of Oct – Jan. Registration begins in August.

Contact : Mary Arleth  (919) 847-8205 x 358

Contact :

Bishop’s Annual Appeal

BAA totals for our Parish as of Thursday June 15 as reported by the Diocese:

2023 Campaign (7/15/23)                     2022 Campaign (6/30/22)

Goal:                 $473,565                         $509,088

Pledge Total: $471,991  99.5%            $459,567  90.3%

Received Total: $448,368  94.7%        $435,917  85.6%

Participating Families:   1129  20.5%     1100  21.6%

Total Families: 5,500                                5,100

To-Go: $2,574

 Click here to give to the BAA1819

Contact :

Blood Drive

Knights of Columbus and American Red Cross bi-annual Blood Drives. For dates and more information visit and enter sponsor code stfrancis.

Contact : Bryan Kozak

Contact :

For More Information (sponsor code stfrancis)

Brown Bag Ministry

Brown Bag Ministry prepares and distributes brown bag lunches every Saturday morning to a low-income senior citizen apartment community in Durham. The ministry welcomes groups and families of all ages to participate. Volunteers work together to make sandwiches, pack lunches, gather in brief communal prayer, and experience face-to-face contact with people in need.

Contact :

BSA Boy Troop

Open to Males 11-17 years old. “Service, community engagement and leadership development become increasingly important parts of the program as youth lead their own activities and work their way toward earning Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout.” The troop meets weekly and typically have a weekend adventure every month. Visit Troop 352’s website to learn more.

Contact : Trey Cain

Contact :

BSA Girl Troop

Open to Females 11-17 years old. “Service, community engagement and leadership development become increasingly important parts of the program as youth lead their own activities and work their way toward earning Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout.” The troop meets weekly and typically have a weekend adventure every month. Visit Troop 219’s website to learn more.

Contact : Shawn Pecze

Contact :

Called and Gifted

What is Called & Gifted?  

The Called & Gifted™ Discernment Process has been used since 1993 by over 200,000 lay, ordained, and religious Catholics and other Christians around the world. It is designed to help Christians discern the presence of charisms in their lives. Charisms, or spiritual gifts, are special abilities given to all Christians by the Holy Spirit to give them power both to represent Christ and to be a channel of God’s goodness for people. Whether extraordinary or ordinary, all charisms ought to be exercised in the service of God (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2003).  All three parts of the process are necessary for discovering where you are gifted. 

  • Part One is the Called and Gifted workshop, which lays the foundation for the beginning of discernment. During the initial Called & Gifted workshop series the participants will take the Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory. 

  • Part Two is the one hour gifts interview, an invaluable part of the process.  

  • Part Three helps you begin discernment in the real world. It will teach you how to: 

Why should I look into the Called & Gifted experience? 

• Have you ever felt a true sense of joy and energy when doing something? 

• Are there times when you just jump in to help someone complete a task? 

• Do people tell you “you’re a good listener”? 

• Do you love to read, gather knowledge and feel joy in sharing that knowledge? 

These are just some simple examples of how the Holy Spirit maybe alive in you and calling you to a deeper relationship with Jesus and those around you.  

Curious to learn more?  

When is the Next Called & Gifted Class?  

We will post the schedule as soon as we have scheduled the next program.

Contact :

Camp Francis

Summer camp program for school age youth. We offer lots of really cool opportunities in athletics, technologies, arts, and various enrichment areas! Kids can join us for half day or full day. All camps have min and max number of students so camp availability is based on enrollment. Registration begins in January.

Contact :

Ashley Watson
(919) 847-8205 x 444

For More Information

Cancer Support Group

Here there is hope. Here there is deep understanding. Here there is camaraderie. We are a group touched by cancer and we gather monthly to listen and offer support to each other. No matter where you are on your journey; newly diagnosed, long hauler, or in survivorship, come gather with us. Here is where we laugh, cry and pray with each other as we journey with cancer. We meet virtually @ 1pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Please contact Suzanne at the email below for a link.

Contact :

Suzanne Ziemer

Care for Creation

The Creation for Care Ministry strives to meet the challenges from scripture, Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Sí, and our Franciscan roots to respond to “The Cry of the Earth and the Poor”. We suggest changes in our daily lifestyles, encourage changes and improvements in how our parish impacts the environment, and participate in organizations that advocate on the local and state level. Ministry options include our parish Community Garden, a local CSA (Community Supported Agricultural) program, or regular collaborations with community organizations.


Contact :

Pam James

Catholic Parish Outreach

Catholic Parish Outreach – On-going Donation Collection
CPO is a ministry of Catholic Charities that serves the needs of people facing difficult financial times by providing food and clothing for children and maternity clothing for mothers. Certain donations are collected year-round in Clare Hall.

Contact :
Sue Hand | 919-846-7954  /  CPO | 919-873-0245


Catholic Parish Outreach Donation Drives
Join us twice a year as we host food drives for and invite parishioners to volunteer at CPO, a ministry of Catholic Charities that serves the needs of people facing difficult financial times.

Contact :

Mark or Thersa Baumgartner

Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer developed by Trappist monk Thomas Keating.  Prayer fosters a deeper relationship with God by moving beyond conversation to communion. After 20 minutes of silence, the group shares reflections on Scripture or spiritual reading.   The Centering Prayer group meets on Thursday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 in LaVerna, Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 via Zoom, and every fourth Saturday at LaVerna from 9 to noon. Refer to Centering Prayer on Realm for more current information. Go to Realm: Groups: Find Groups: Spirituality – for meeting details. All are welcome!

Contact :

Alice Stanford


Church Keeping

Volunteers help maintain the worship space, Holy Water fonts, altar, and other liturgical items as well as wash and iron linens.  Volunteer times for Church Keeping can be adapted to fit in your schedule.

Contact :

Beverly Saunders


CLOW (Children’s Liturgy of the Word)

Children’s Liturgy of the Word are volunteers that ensure that the assembly’s children (ages 4-6) experience meaningful, inspirational, and spiritual celebrations of the Liturgy of the Word through careful, reflective planning, and preparation by our lay presiders.

Contact :

Jackie Kelly


Coffee and Donuts

As a faith community, we are called to take the word of God and Christ incarnate and go and share the Gospel out in the community. We also do this as a parish with one another, right after mass, with coffee and donuts.  We hope you will join us Sundays (see schedule below) for Coffee & Donuts in Fellowship Hall (unless otherwise noted) from 10:00 am-11:30 am. Whether you are a well-known parishioner, a new parishioner, or a parishioner with kids at our school, you are welcome, and we want to see you! Grab a coffee, some donuts and get to know one another, take care of any church business and build community. Any questions please contact Maggie at and if you are a ministry that would like to be spotlighted and help with the event, please contact Maggie. Thank you all and looking forward to seeing you there!


2024- 2025 Schedule: Coffee and Donuts will be in Fellowship Hall at 10am.

  1. Sunday, September 22, 10am – Migrant Ministries will support
  2. Sunday, October 27, 10am -LGBTQ+ ministry will support
  3. Sunday, November 24, 10am –
  4. Creche Event: December 13-15
    • Friday, December 13 at 6:30pm – Seculars will support
    • Saturday, December 14, 6:30pm – LGBTQ+ will support
    • Sunday, December 15, 8:15am –
    • Sunday, December 15, 10am –
    • Sunday, December 15, 12:45pm –
    • Sunday, December 15, 6:30pm –
  5. Sunday, January 26, 10am- TFS to support (Catholic Schools week)

Contact :

Collection Counters

Each week, a group of volunteers meets to sort and count the donations received during the prior week, including the weekend mass collections. The count team is charged with ensuring the accuracy and transparency of our count process. It also serves as our first step in demonstrating our good stewardship over the donated funds. Between 8-10 volunteers are desired to conduct the count. The time commitment is about one hour each week. Ideally, we would like to have enough volunteers to form multiple rotating teams. If you cannot commit to a weekly schedule, that is not a problem. We have members who volunteer every week, every other week, once a month, whatever works best for your schedule. While the count team has an important mission, it also can be a great opportunity to meet and socialize with other parishioners.


Contact :

Rob Neppel 

(919) 847-8205 x 243

Community Center Programs

Programs and classes offered in the Assisi Community Center throughout the school year. Fitness classes and Parent/Child classes.

Contact :

Ashley Watson
(919) 847-8205 x 444

For More Information

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Program

The Farm to church CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) supports local BIPOC farmers and sustainable and/or organic farming methods. By subscribing to a CSA, you share in both the risks and rewards of a farmer and their farm produce. The subscription fee is paid up front to the farmer. As a member of the CSA, you will receive a weekly box of sustainably and organically grown produce for 8 weeks during the CSA seasonThere are options to join in the fall, spring, and summer. 


Contact :

Elizabeth Kearse

Contemplative Spirituality Group 

Meets via Zoom for shared readings and reflection to deepen our relationship with God, others and creation.  Check  Realm for meeting details. 

Contact :

Deacon Steve Andrews

CORRAL Riding Academy

CORRAL Riding Academy is a faith-motivated nonprofit that equips adolescent girls in high-risk situations through a long-term, holistic program of equine therapy and education. Reach out for more information on opportunities to provide transportation and academic support for program participants on a weekly basis or check out the service opportunities portal to help with hands-on support around the Kildaire campus on monthly work days.

Contact :

Donna Schwede

CROP Hunger Walk

The annual CROP Hunger Walk, taking place in October, raises awareness of issues of hunger and food insecurity in our local and international community. In addition to walking, optional fundraising goes to support local and international organizations addressing these very issues. Opportunities exist to walk, donate, or join the leadership team.

Contact : JaVon Hansknecht (919) 847-8205 x270

Contact :

Cross Bearers

Being a Cross Bearer is an excellent way to share your time and talent with this community and play a very important role in the Mass, from the processional hymn to the recessional.

Contact :

Joseph Randazzo


Cross Road (9-12)

Cross Road is our high school youth ministry program. 9th grade is usually the 2nd year of Confirmation preparation (link to Confirmation page), and all 9th-grade students who are not attending a Catholic High school should attend. All high school youth can attend Cross Road, regardless of grade.

Cross Road takes place after the 5:30 pm Sunday Mass and meets roughly three times per month. We use a youth ministry model for “youth nights.” Participants GATHER together for a snack and fellowship, followed by a PROCLAIM given by an adult leader or peer leader. We then BREAK into designated small groups, led by adult group leaders, to engage in deeper discussion of the evening’s proclaim. Small groups allow youth participants to build relationships within the groups and create a sense of community. Finally, we come back together to pray and to be SENT back into the world.

In addition to regular Sunday evening youth nights, youth are provided with opportunities to participate in retreats, socials, and service projects throughout the session year.


Contact :

Cross Step

Cross Step is the newest addition to St. Francis of Assisi’s Cross faith formation programs. Cross Step is for children ages 1 (and walking) through 5 years old, who are not enrolled in kindergarten for the current school year. CROSS STEP partners with St. Francis of Assisi families by providing their children with a strong foundation on which to build their lifelong faith. Registration for the Cross Step program is ongoing year-round from 9am to 10am. Please register here for the 2024-2025 school year.

Contact :

Amy Daley | (919) 847-8205 x 489

Cross Train (6-8)

Cross Train is our middle school faith formation programOur goal is to connect the youth to each other, to our parish and church at large, and God and Jesus ChristWe do this by creating a fun, engaging, meaningful, and faith-filled environmentOur youth ministry model follows Jesus’ ministry on earth: gather, proclaim, break, and sendJoin us as we meet two to three Sundays a month from 6:45-8:15Learn, grow, and serve in our five social nights, five service projects, and prayer evenings included in our regular youth night program. 


Contact :

Becky Cawley

Cross Walk (K-5)

Cross Walk meets immediately after the 9:00 AM Mass on Sunday mornings by breaking open the treasures of the Mass. Children hear a short “proclaim” in the Church challenging them to put their faith into action by living The Word heard at Mass. We live the Gospel and bring the Gospel to life.  Just as the USCCB’s National Directory for Catechesis says, “Catechesis both precedes the Liturgy and springs from it.”

Contact :

Cub Scouts

Open to Youth in Kindergarten thru 5th grade! “Cub Scouting is fun for the whole family. In Scouting, boys and girls start with their best right now selves and grow into their very best future selves. It’s fun, hands-on learning and achievement that puts kids in the middle of the action and prepares them for today – and for life.” 

Contact :

Membership Coordinator

Curbside Care

Collects items and provides care packages for distribution among the poor

Contact :

Alyson Zwerneman

DifferentAbilities Ministry

This ministry fosters inclusion and active participation for parishioners affected by frailty or disability, meeting their social, emotional, and spiritual needs. Through a supportive “buddy” system, it integrates them into the daily life and broader ministries of the parish, highlighting unity and shared purpose within the Church community.

Contact :

Scott Pias

Divorce Care

DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. In this video-based support group, you’ll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and learn practical tools for decision-making.

Contact :

Bill Morgan

Donation Drives

We coordinate a number of drives: food for local food pantries, supplies for migrant farm workers, and school supplies and backpacks for children. We also coordinate an Advent Giving Tree for local organizations, families, and ministries.


Contact :

Ashley Watson

919-847-8205 x 444

EM to Abbotswood

Volunteers join residents at the Abbotswood Independent and Assisted Living community in a 30-minute liturgical service every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. This is an important weekly service for residents who cannot attend Sunday mass at church to celebrate the Eucharist and join each other as a community in prayer. Training will be provided.

Contact :

Susan Bartone

EM to Capital Oaks

Eucharistic Ministers hold a weekly Communion Service at this retirement community each Saturday 3:30pm. The service is held in the movie theater. One of the residents provides music and the EM’s conduct a brief service, which includes prayer, readings and distribution of the Eucharist. While we hold the service each week, EM’s on our team typically serve about once per month. Training will be provided.

Contact :

Peter Russo

EM to Magnolia Glen

We minister to the Magnolia Glen Senior Living residents by offering compassionate care and encouraging a sense of belonging and connection to the Body of Christ through Eucharist, Word, prayer, and presence.  There are many ways to serve: Group Rosary leader, lector, cantor, EMHC, admin support, or visitor.  Perfect for young families or compassionate individuals. 

Contact :

Jacob House | 781-290-8813

EM to Springmoor

Springmoor Eucharist Minister’s are scheduled on Sunday mornings to bring the Eucharist to the people living at Springmoor that can no longer attend Mass. Training will be provided.
Thank you for your time and support to this/all ministries.

Contact :

Janice Horner


EM to the Homebound

Volunteers are trained, offered the opportunity to shadow until comfortable and scheduled once a month (more if they wish), to visit the homebound. On your scheduled week, you would visit 2-4 homebound parishioners, pray with them and give them the Eucharist. We are always looking for conscientious individuals to serve as Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound. Training will be provided.

Contact :

Will Lundrigan |

Jeanette Cottone |

EM to the Meadows

Volunteers join the parishioners and residents of the Meadows Senior Living Community in a Communion Prayer service every Saturday beginning at 4:30 p.m. with the Rosary followed by the Communion Service at 5:00 pm. It is through this outreach that St. Francis is keeping in touch with this extended community with prayer and visitation.

Contact :

Mary Cockrill

No more ministries to show.

There are numerous opportunities for engagement at St. Francis of Assisi! We offer a variety of ministries and Bible studies, each aligned with specific Charisms or Spiritual Gifts. These gifts, bestowed upon all baptized Christians by the Holy Spirit, empower individuals to embody Christ and serve as conduits of divine grace to others.

From the processional hymn to the recessional, altar servers help the Celebrant and the assembly celebrate the Mass. No experience necessary.


Joanie Madormo


This ministry, named after the US Bishops’ 1998 pastoral letter, entitled “Always Our Children,” offers a confidential setting for those who identify as LGBTQ+, along with our family, friends, and anyone who supports and cares for us as children of God. Monthly gatherings provide a safe place to pray together, share our experiences, and talk over our concerns.


Stacey Shine
(919) 847-8204 x 249

The group offers caregivers a safe place to share their struggles and gather ideas on how others deal with the everyday challenges of caring for a loved one during each stage of dementia.  The emphasis is on sharing information, education and support. We welcome new participants.


Kathleen Boate

Volunteer to work in the Assisi Café during weekdays mornings 8:30am-10:30am from September-May.


Ashley Watson
(919) 847-8204 x 444

All are welcome for adult bible study groups.


Brooke Kingston

Meeting with and preparing our families with infants and children to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism through a once-a-month preparation session.


Martina Dumberger
(919) 847-8205 x 264

Boys League play for 9th-12th graders. The season runs February thru May with registration beginning in January.

Contact : Tim Burns


For More Information

Adult Men’s Over 18 League play during June and July on weekends only. Teams will have no practice time. Registration begins in April. Registration is TEAM BASED only. Players will form their own teams and submit their registration as a team.

Contact : Tim Burns


For More Information

This program is open to girls and boys grades 1st thru 8th playing in 6 different divisions. Youth league play runs during the months of Oct – Jan. Registration begins in August.

Contact : Mary Arleth  (919) 847-8205 x 358


For More Information

BAA totals for our Parish as of Thursday June 15 as reported by the Diocese:

2023 Campaign (7/15/23)                     2022 Campaign (6/30/22)

Goal:                 $473,565                         $509,088

Pledge Total: $471,991  99.5%            $459,567  90.3%

Received Total: $448,368  94.7%        $435,917  85.6%

Participating Families:   1129  20.5%     1100  21.6%

Total Families: 5,500                                5,100

To-Go: $2,574

 Click here to give to the BAA1819


Knights of Columbus and American Red Cross bi-annual Blood Drives. For dates and more information visit and enter sponsor code stfrancis.

Contact : Bryan Kozak


For More Information (sponsor code stfrancis)

Brown Bag Ministry prepares and distributes brown bag lunches every Saturday morning to a low-income senior citizen apartment community in Durham. The ministry welcomes groups and families of all ages to participate. Volunteers work together to make sandwiches, pack lunches, gather in brief communal prayer, and experience face-to-face contact with people in need.


Erin Brooks, Karina Miranda, and Pam Peroutky

Service Opportunities

Open to Males 11-17 years old. “Service, community engagement and leadership development become increasingly important parts of the program as youth lead their own activities and work their way toward earning Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout.” The troop meets weekly and typically have a weekend adventure every month. Visit Troop 352’s website to learn more.

Contact : Trey Cain


To Learn More

Open to Females 11-17 years old. “Service, community engagement and leadership development become increasingly important parts of the program as youth lead their own activities and work their way toward earning Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout.” The troop meets weekly and typically have a weekend adventure every month. Visit Troop 219’s website to learn more.

Contact : Shawn Pecze


To Learn More

What is Called & Gifted?  

The Called & Gifted™ Discernment Process has been used since 1993 by over 200,000 lay, ordained, and religious Catholics and other Christians around the world. It is designed to help Christians discern the presence of charisms in their lives. Charisms, or spiritual gifts, are special abilities given to all Christians by the Holy Spirit to give them power both to represent Christ and to be a channel of God’s goodness for people. Whether extraordinary or ordinary, all charisms ought to be exercised in the service of God (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2003).  All three parts of the process are necessary for discovering where you are gifted. 

  • Part One is the Called and Gifted workshop, which lays the foundation for the beginning of discernment. During the initial Called & Gifted workshop series the participants will take the Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory. 

  • Part Two is the one hour gifts interview, an invaluable part of the process.  

  • Part Three helps you begin discernment in the real world. It will teach you how to: 

Why should I look into the Called & Gifted experience? 

• Have you ever felt a true sense of joy and energy when doing something? 

• Are there times when you just jump in to help someone complete a task? 

• Do people tell you “you’re a good listener”? 

• Do you love to read, gather knowledge and feel joy in sharing that knowledge? 

These are just some simple examples of how the Holy Spirit maybe alive in you and calling you to a deeper relationship with Jesus and those around you.  

Curious to learn more?  

When is the Next Called & Gifted Class?  

We will post the schedule as soon as we have scheduled the next program.


Summer camp program for school age youth. We offer lots of really cool opportunities in athletics, technologies, arts, and various enrichment areas! Kids can join us for half day or full day. All camps have min and max number of students so camp availability is based on enrollment. Registration begins in January.


Ashley Watson
(919) 847-8205 x 444

For More Information

Here there is hope. Here there is deep understanding. Here there is camaraderie. We are a group touched by cancer and we gather monthly to listen and offer support to each other. No matter where you are on your journey; newly diagnosed, long hauler, or in survivorship, come gather with us. Here is where we laugh, cry and pray with each other as we journey with cancer. We meet virtually @ 1pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Please contact Suzanne at the email below for a link.


Suzanne Ziemer

The Creation for Care Ministry strives to meet the challenges from scripture, Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Sí, and our Franciscan roots to respond to “The Cry of the Earth and the Poor”. We suggest changes in our daily lifestyles, encourage changes and improvements in how our parish impacts the environment, and participate in organizations that advocate on the local and state level. Ministry options include our parish Community Garden, a local CSA (Community Supported Agricultural) program, or regular collaborations with community organizations.



Pam James

Service Opportunities


Catholic Parish Outreach – On-going Donation Collection
CPO is a ministry of Catholic Charities that serves the needs of people facing difficult financial times by providing food and clothing for children and maternity clothing for mothers. Certain donations are collected year-round in Clare Hall.

Contact :
Sue Hand | 919-846-7954  /  CPO | 919-873-0245


Catholic Parish Outreach Donation Drives
Join us twice a year as we host food drives for and invite parishioners to volunteer at CPO, a ministry of Catholic Charities that serves the needs of people facing difficult financial times.


Mark or Thersa Baumgartner

Service Opportunities

Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer developed by Trappist monk Thomas Keating.  Prayer fosters a deeper relationship with God by moving beyond conversation to communion. After 20 minutes of silence, the group shares reflections on Scripture or spiritual reading.   The Centering Prayer group meets on Thursday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 in LaVerna, Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 via Zoom, and every fourth Saturday at LaVerna from 9 to noon. Refer to Centering Prayer on Realm for more current information. Go to Realm: Groups: Find Groups: Spirituality – for meeting details. All are welcome!


Alice Stanford


Volunteers help maintain the worship space, Holy Water fonts, altar, and other liturgical items as well as wash and iron linens.  Volunteer times for Church Keeping can be adapted to fit in your schedule.


Beverly Saunders


Children’s Liturgy of the Word are volunteers that ensure that the assembly’s children (ages 4-6) experience meaningful, inspirational, and spiritual celebrations of the Liturgy of the Word through careful, reflective planning, and preparation by our lay presiders.


Jackie Kelly


As a faith community, we are called to take the word of God and Christ incarnate and go and share the Gospel out in the community. We also do this as a parish with one another, right after mass, with coffee and donuts.  We hope you will join us Sundays (see schedule below) for Coffee & Donuts in Fellowship Hall (unless otherwise noted) from 10:00 am-11:30 am. Whether you are a well-known parishioner, a new parishioner, or a parishioner with kids at our school, you are welcome, and we want to see you! Grab a coffee, some donuts and get to know one another, take care of any church business and build community. Any questions please contact Maggie at and if you are a ministry that would like to be spotlighted and help with the event, please contact Maggie. Thank you all and looking forward to seeing you there!


2024- 2025 Schedule: Coffee and Donuts will be in Fellowship Hall at 10am.

  1. Sunday, September 22, 10am – Migrant Ministries will support
  2. Sunday, October 27, 10am -LGBTQ+ ministry will support
  3. Sunday, November 24, 10am –
  4. Creche Event: December 13-15
    • Friday, December 13 at 6:30pm – Seculars will support
    • Saturday, December 14, 6:30pm – LGBTQ+ will support
    • Sunday, December 15, 8:15am –
    • Sunday, December 15, 10am –
    • Sunday, December 15, 12:45pm –
    • Sunday, December 15, 6:30pm –
  5. Sunday, January 26, 10am- TFS to support (Catholic Schools week)


Each week, a group of volunteers meets to sort and count the donations received during the prior week, including the weekend mass collections. The count team is charged with ensuring the accuracy and transparency of our count process. It also serves as our first step in demonstrating our good stewardship over the donated funds. Between 8-10 volunteers are desired to conduct the count. The time commitment is about one hour each week. Ideally, we would like to have enough volunteers to form multiple rotating teams. If you cannot commit to a weekly schedule, that is not a problem. We have members who volunteer every week, every other week, once a month, whatever works best for your schedule. While the count team has an important mission, it also can be a great opportunity to meet and socialize with other parishioners.



Rob Neppel 

(919) 847-8205 x 243

Programs and classes offered in the Assisi Community Center throughout the school year. Fitness classes and Parent/Child classes.


Ashley Watson
(919) 847-8205 x 444

For More Information

The Farm to church CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) supports local BIPOC farmers and sustainable and/or organic farming methods. By subscribing to a CSA, you share in both the risks and rewards of a farmer and their farm produce. The subscription fee is paid up front to the farmer. As a member of the CSA, you will receive a weekly box of sustainably and organically grown produce for 8 weeks during the CSA seasonThere are options to join in the fall, spring, and summer. 



Elizabeth Kearse

Meets via Zoom for shared readings and reflection to deepen our relationship with God, others and creation.  Check  Realm for meeting details. 


Deacon Steve Andrews

CORRAL Riding Academy is a faith-motivated nonprofit that equips adolescent girls in high-risk situations through a long-term, holistic program of equine therapy and education. Reach out for more information on opportunities to provide transportation and academic support for program participants on a weekly basis or check out the service opportunities portal to help with hands-on support around the Kildaire campus on monthly work days.


Donna Schwede

Service Opportunities

The annual CROP Hunger Walk, taking place in October, raises awareness of issues of hunger and food insecurity in our local and international community. In addition to walking, optional fundraising goes to support local and international organizations addressing these very issues. Opportunities exist to walk, donate, or join the leadership team.

Contact : JaVon Hansknecht (919) 847-8205 x270


Being a Cross Bearer is an excellent way to share your time and talent with this community and play a very important role in the Mass, from the processional hymn to the recessional.


Joseph Randazzo


Cross Road is our high school youth ministry program. 9th grade is usually the 2nd year of Confirmation preparation (link to Confirmation page), and all 9th-grade students who are not attending a Catholic High school should attend. All high school youth can attend Cross Road, regardless of grade.

Cross Road takes place after the 5:30 pm Sunday Mass and meets roughly three times per month. We use a youth ministry model for “youth nights.” Participants GATHER together for a snack and fellowship, followed by a PROCLAIM given by an adult leader or peer leader. We then BREAK into designated small groups, led by adult group leaders, to engage in deeper discussion of the evening’s proclaim. Small groups allow youth participants to build relationships within the groups and create a sense of community. Finally, we come back together to pray and to be SENT back into the world.

In addition to regular Sunday evening youth nights, youth are provided with opportunities to participate in retreats, socials, and service projects throughout the session year.




Cross Step is the newest addition to St. Francis of Assisi’s Cross faith formation programs. Cross Step is for children ages 1 (and walking) through 5 years old, who are not enrolled in kindergarten for the current school year. CROSS STEP partners with St. Francis of Assisi families by providing their children with a strong foundation on which to build their lifelong faith. Registration for the Cross Step program is ongoing year-round from 9am to 10am. Please register here for the 2024-2025 school year.


Amy Daley | (919) 847-8205 x 489

Cross Train is our middle school faith formation programOur goal is to connect the youth to each other, to our parish and church at large, and God and Jesus ChristWe do this by creating a fun, engaging, meaningful, and faith-filled environmentOur youth ministry model follows Jesus’ ministry on earth: gather, proclaim, break, and sendJoin us as we meet two to three Sundays a month from 6:45-8:15Learn, grow, and serve in our five social nights, five service projects, and prayer evenings included in our regular youth night program. 



Becky Cawley


Cross Walk meets immediately after the 9:00 AM Mass on Sunday mornings by breaking open the treasures of the Mass. Children hear a short “proclaim” in the Church challenging them to put their faith into action by living The Word heard at Mass. We live the Gospel and bring the Gospel to life.  Just as the USCCB’s National Directory for Catechesis says, “Catechesis both precedes the Liturgy and springs from it.”


Open to Youth in Kindergarten thru 5th grade! “Cub Scouting is fun for the whole family. In Scouting, boys and girls start with their best right now selves and grow into their very best future selves. It’s fun, hands-on learning and achievement that puts kids in the middle of the action and prepares them for today – and for life.” 


Membership Coordinator

Pack 352’s Website

Collects items and provides care packages for distribution among the poor


Alyson Zwerneman

Service Opportunities

This ministry fosters inclusion and active participation for parishioners affected by frailty or disability, meeting their social, emotional, and spiritual needs. Through a supportive “buddy” system, it integrates them into the daily life and broader ministries of the parish, highlighting unity and shared purpose within the Church community.


Scott Pias

DivorceCare is a safe place where caring people come alongside you as you find healing from the pain of separation or divorce. In this video-based support group, you’ll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and learn practical tools for decision-making.


Bill Morgan

We coordinate a number of drives: food for local food pantries, supplies for migrant farm workers, and school supplies and backpacks for children. We also coordinate an Advent Giving Tree for local organizations, families, and ministries.



Ashley Watson

919-847-8205 x 444

Volunteers join residents at the Abbotswood Independent and Assisted Living community in a 30-minute liturgical service every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. This is an important weekly service for residents who cannot attend Sunday mass at church to celebrate the Eucharist and join each other as a community in prayer. Training will be provided.


Susan Bartone

Eucharistic Ministers hold a weekly Communion Service at this retirement community each Saturday 3:30pm. The service is held in the movie theater. One of the residents provides music and the EM’s conduct a brief service, which includes prayer, readings and distribution of the Eucharist. While we hold the service each week, EM’s on our team typically serve about once per month. Training will be provided.


Peter Russo

We minister to the Magnolia Glen Senior Living residents by offering compassionate care and encouraging a sense of belonging and connection to the Body of Christ through Eucharist, Word, prayer, and presence.  There are many ways to serve: Group Rosary leader, lector, cantor, EMHC, admin support, or visitor.  Perfect for young families or compassionate individuals. 


Jacob House | 781-290-8813

Service Opportunities

Springmoor Eucharist Minister’s are scheduled on Sunday mornings to bring the Eucharist to the people living at Springmoor that can no longer attend Mass. Training will be provided.
Thank you for your time and support to this/all ministries.


Janice Horner


Volunteers are trained, offered the opportunity to shadow until comfortable and scheduled once a month (more if they wish), to visit the homebound. On your scheduled week, you would visit 2-4 homebound parishioners, pray with them and give them the Eucharist. We are always looking for conscientious individuals to serve as Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound. Training will be provided.


Will Lundrigan |

Jeanette Cottone |

Volunteers join the parishioners and residents of the Meadows Senior Living Community in a Communion Prayer service every Saturday beginning at 4:30 p.m. with the Rosary followed by the Communion Service at 5:00 pm. It is through this outreach that St. Francis is keeping in touch with this extended community with prayer and visitation.


Mary Cockrill

Assists parishioners in dealing with the death of a loved one by helping them with funeral preparations and “walking” with them in their time of sorrow.


Dina DaRe
(919) 847-8205 x 242

The Environment and Arts ministry enhances the worship space by connecting the parishioners to the message of the Gospel through flowers, candles and fabric based on the liturgical season. The group also cares for the sanctuary greenery with weekly watering.


Theresa Baumgartner


EM’s help assist in the distribution of Holy Communion to the congregation during Mass. We also have EMs who bring the Holy Eucharist to those who cannot attend Sunday liturgies at St. Francis: the homebound, hospitalized and residents of retirement communities and nursing homes.



Jim Wahl

(919) 847-8205 x 230

Our annual Fair Trade and Alternative Gift Market is in November. This event provides an opportunity to purchase fair trade and alternative gifts from various vendors that ensure fair wages and dignity for vulnerable people worldwide. A parish leadership team is tasked with planning, leading, and promoting this event.


Javon Hansknecht

(919) 847-8205 x 270

The forum meets to discuss books, ask questions, and support one another in our mutual discovery and appreciation of our common home. We affirm with Pope Francis in Laudato Si that the mystery of nature reveals the divine, that the Spirit is active in creation, that each creature has its own purpose, and that the universe unfolds in God, who fills it completely. We meet every first and third Wednesday from 1 to 2:30 p.m. 


Stephen Andrews

No more ministries to show.