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The Sacrament of Confirmation is a sacrament of initiation that completes baptismal grace and strengthens us with the Holy Spirit so that we can go and be disciples.

Our Confirmation preparation program follows Diocesan guidelines and is a two year process that typically begins in 8th grade. All 8th graders with a desire to prepare for Confirmation should contact Tim Hetzel.

Registering will place your child into a 2 year (one time registration, one-time fee) preparation program.  Register your youth for Confirmation Here.

Year one is Faith Formation, (link to k-12 page) paperwork, and getting records in order. Enrollment in a Catholic school counts toward year one faith formation.

Year two includes continuing Faith Formation, Sacrament specific formation as well as Retreats and Liturgy/Mass celebrations. Enrollment in a Catholic school counts towards faith formation, however, all youth in year two gather together for sacramental specific formation.

Martina Dumberger, Administrative Specialist at
Email:, 919-847-8205 ext. 264


Martina Dumberger, Administrative Specialist.

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