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Liliana Palermo

Liliana Palermo has been volunteering at Cross Step for about three years because, as she says, “It is better to give than to receive,” adding, “Given the love and support we all receive from God and the Church, giving that love back is just as important as what we get from it.” That’s a profound understanding of what we are all called to do in service to others and in adherence to our faith by this Leesville Road High School Junior.

Cross Step, part of the St. Francis of Assisi’s Cross faith formation programs, is for children ages 1 (and walking) through 5 years old who are not in kindergarten. They attend Cross Step while their parents attend Sunday 9:00 AM Mass. Children attending Cross Step spend a faith-filled hour with trained, responsible childcare workers and volunteers like Liliana, who are excited to help their children take their first steps on their walk with God! 

As someone baptized at St. Francis who attended Faith Formation at the parish, she knows the value of the faith formation program. “I learned a lot from the people there every week. Working with kids now, I am amazed at how much they grow and change in a short time; seeing how they break out in the short time we are with them is a lot of fun. I feel I have a special place at St. Francis because of all my relationships there.”

She believes our parish portrays the Catholic faith well to people because it is a very welcoming place. “I grew up here and always felt at home here, and there is such a strong community here, even though it’s so large. There’s a strong sense of community, acceptance, and love at St. Francis.” When asked how others can get involved, she uses her example: “There are so many different opportunities at St. Francis that everyone can find something they would enjoy doing.” “Find something you like,” she counsels, “and do it with people you enjoy being around. Service plays a big role in the community, so volunteer as much as possible and go for it!”