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See the Spirit Moving at Oak City Cares

Greetings, friends of the guests of Oak City Cares!

We served so many people March 26th at Oak City-133 people came through the line to take part in the wonderful breakfast you all created!  We served a diverse crowd-women, men, children, young adults, and seniors. (We even saw the cutest little 4 month-old baby girl! What a doll!) Below are pictures from the day!


The guests at Oak City were a talkative group today! I met a man who was just released on Friday from jail after serving a twenty-nine-year sentence. Can you imagine the challenges of trying to navigate the world after having been incarcerated for that long? You would have thought he would be bitter, and maybe he is, but that didn’t come through to me. He was wonderful to talk to, seemed overwhelmed but grateful to be out. He spoke to Ms. Kitty (one of the great staff at OCC) and of course, she was a big help to him! Meeting this man was a true gift to me! Your gift of food gave him a place to go where he could connect with some help.

I talked to a man that paints for a living. He’s working in Fuquay as a part of a crew that is painting inside homes. When I asked him what he liked about his work, he said, “I love to see how it turns out. It always looks so good!” He goes a long way to work, but never complained about it. He was grateful for the food and hung around for seconds. Your breakfast fed a man that is working at a job that makes him proud.

There was a woman who got some new shoes. We talked about those for a long time as she really liked her shoes! (I did too!) She was happy to have them because her feet hurt a lot. She thinks these new shoes will help her feet. She said she hurt in lots of places but she was eager to chat. Your breakfast gave her a place for community.

Some of the guests want to visit with us-some don’t.  They want their privacy, and we respect that.

As you can see, your generous donations of food and time feed more than the body-you are feeding their souls.  This is the love that Jesus talks about so much in the Gospel.  Thank you so much for all you have done for our brothers and sisters in Christ!

May the peace of Christ be yours.