Pope Francis Sends Hope on the World Day of Peace 2025
As the global church celebrated the World Day of Peace on January 1st, Pope Francis addressed an inspiring message to the world. Titled, Forgive us…
by MaryLou Holloway
We started the season with a collection of clothing, shoes hats and toiletries in April. The people of St Francis of Assis were incredibly generous and we had 3 very large overflowing cart…
Have you missed reading the stories of the neighbors that are assisted by St. Vincent de Paul? Do you want to learn more about what SVdP does and how we do it?
We are excited…
Every day the blessings of our lives are signs that God has visited us.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society provides a way, a way we can show others God’s love, especially for the suffering and…
A few times a year parishioners from St. Francis head up to St. Francis Inn in Philadelphia, PA for a week of fellowship, encounter, and service. Hear it in their own words:
Having not been to…