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Mass Coordinators: Decorum, Order, and Devotion at Liturgies

Michael and Julie Ducatte are Mass Coordinators (MCs) at St. Francis. Their ministry consists of those who assist the presiders to make sure the Masses have the decorum and elegance befitting the weekly celebration of the Eucharist. “First and foremost, we want to make masses as beautiful as possible,” says Julie. “The liturgical ministries help everything flow smoothly. We want to serve because of our faith and enjoy being part of the Mass”. Michael adds, “As Mass Coordinators, we also have a teaching role, assisting the other ministers in training to serve at Mass.” 

Every Mass has an MC, and Joanie Madormo is a long-term ministry presence at daily Masses. She says, “As MC, I set up and clean up for Mass and ensure that everything runs smoothly; if the presider needs anything, or wherever there is a problem, we fix it, get the answer, or make things right.” Julie adds, “Jesus taught us to serve others, and we want to serve the greater St. Francis community. Prayer is a large part of our faith, and the love of Eucharist, the Mass, and serving as an MC or Eucharistic Minister (EM) all ties into prayer.” “Working directly with the priests, pastor, and ministers is rewarding. We are all together creating this beautiful liturgy for our parishioners and visitors,” says Michael.

The MC and EM Ministries are always looking for interested people to be involved. Joanie says, “You should look into it if you are interested!  It’s a great way to be involved in the Mass.” “If you aren’t involved, Mass can be passive, but involvement in the liturgy makes your faith grow,” says Julie, adding, “My faith has grown so much deeper since becoming a minister.” Michael points out to those interested in service in the parish, “The liturgical ministry is a good way to get started. You are coming to Mass anyway, and it’s a good way to get started in a ministry here.” 

To learn more about the EM and MC ministries, you can contact Jim Wahl at To be an MC, you must be a commissioned Eucharistic Minister and then undergo training in the MC responsibilities. The schedule depends on liturgies where you would like to serve, but it’s typically once to twice per month. As Michael Ducatte mentioned, “You are coming to Mass anyway;” join in to make the Mass even more impactful by ensuring “decorum, order, and devotion” infuse our celebration of the liturgy!