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Hospitality Ministry

For anyone who grew up in the Catholic Church, you knew about the ‘ushers.’ The ushers were usually a group of older dads and other men who pointed out seats to those attending Mass and gathered up the collection at the offertory. It was often an ‘exclusive group’ whose culture and bylaws were shrouded in ‘mystery.’ The ‘ushers’ ministry at St. Francis transformed a while ago; it has been known as the ‘Hospitality Ministry’ for years!

As Joe Czejkowski, the ministry coordinator, says, “The Hospitality Ministry used to be the usher’s ministry. Years and years ago, we changed it to a ministry of hospitality. St. Francis has been a ‘welcoming place’ since Father David was pastor when my family first joined the parish. His goal was to make sure everybody was welcome here.” Joe adds, “It is great to see that Father Chris has taken the hospitality ministry almost to the next level in that we are trying to bring in the younger parishioners.” Their role as ministers of hospitality was to greet people as they entered, hand out the Mass Aids, and collect the offertory donations. The parish has added projection screens (in the sanctuary), and the ministers don’t meet people at the door with Mass Aids. “However,” says Joe, “we still welcome people into Mass to continue our tradition. ‘Welcoming’ is a big thing at St. Francis to help people feel comfortable being here; we want them to feel like they’re home.”

Father Chris has been pushing for younger people to become involved, and Joe has received numerous requests from parents saying that their son or daughter is interested in the ministry. “We are so glad that they are interested,” says Joe. “I’ll say to the parent, ‘You are the first and best teachers of your kids, and we would love to have you come and show them the ropes.’” Joe sees the ministry becoming younger and functioning as ambassadors of the parish and all we do at St. Francis. “I would like to see the hospitality ministers function as resources for those new to the Parish. I want them to know the physical environment: ‘Bathrooms are here, stewardship space is there, and here’s where you can find this.’ But the biggest thing is to just say to people, ‘We are glad you’re here.’” “We are very good with outreach to the larger external community, but we must also address the internal needs of our parishioners and those who visit us here. Father Chris is looking at that too, and we can help!”. 

Joe emphasizes that as “‘head’ of the ministry, I am not ‘in charge,’ but it is my role to coordinate all the people with gifts who want to give to the community.” He is excited that many people want to get involved, and his job is to get those people in touch with those who can find the best way to use their gifts in the ministry. Sergio Winter is their ‘primo trainer’; Joe will get anyone interested in touch with him and Joanie Madormo to get them nametags and trained. Come help continue the ‘hospitality brand’ St. Francis is known for!