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Volunteer Now

Create community as part of a circle of 6+/- adults helping usher a refugee family relocating to the USA. Share insights, connections and assistance in a myriad of ways at the intersection of the family’s needs and your interests but always aim to teach rather than simply to do. Potential tasks: welcoming the family at the airport; helping with transportation including driving some but more importantly practicing use of the public bus system even if you are learning alongside; navigating through shopping trips to grocery and other stores; accompanying them for food pantry registration, selection and pick up as needed; assisting with technology use; aiding with financial literacy, mail sorting, bill paying and job search;  practicing English, etc. Flexible time commitment of several hours monthly for 3-6 months or beyond if you continue the friendship. 90 minute training plus background check required; ample support from group leaders, social workers and St. Francis staff provided.