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Volunteer Now

Liturgical Ministries

Hospitality, kindness and courtesy are all Franciscan values that are embraced by the community of St. Francis. Opportunities are available for those who would like to share their talents on the weekend during one of the Masses. Liturgical ministries encompass liturgy, music and hospitality.

Mass Coordinator (MCs)

Responsible for coordinating and overseeing all aspects of the Liturgy and make sure Mass runs smoothly.


Amy Fix


Music Ministry

We are all called to musical ministry in the liturgy by participating in the songs and hymns of the Mass. However, some people have received the gift of musical leadership and this is best served by participating as a singer or instrumentalist. St Francis of Assisi has a robust music ministry under the direction of James Wahl.


Church Keeping

Volunteers help maintain the worship space, Holy Water fonts, altar, and other liturgical items as well as wash and iron linens.  Volunteer times for Church Keeping can be adapted to fit in your schedule.


Beverly Saunders


Altar Servers and Thurifers

From the processional hymn to the recessional, altar servers help the Celebrant and the assembly celebrate the Mass. No experience necessary.


Joanie Madormo 440-364-9597