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2023 Convocation

The Heart of Matter:
Encountering Christ in all Creation

Join us on Saturday, October 28th from 8:30am to 1:30pm for the 3rd annual Franciscan Spirit and Life Convocation:
“The Heart of Matter:
Encountering Christ in all Creation”
Register HERE on Realm | $15 Fee includes lunch 
The day will begin with our keynote speaker, Sr. Ilia Delio, OSF, PhD and will conclude with lunch.

8:30 am  | Doors will open for check in and morning refreshments.
9:00 am | Welcome and Morning Prayer
9:15 am | Keynote speaker Sr. Ilia Delio, OSF PhD
10:30 am | Session 1 will begin
11:30 am | Session 2 will begin
12:30 pm | Lunch

When registering you will need to choose one talk from Session 1 and one from Session 2.
See speaker information below.


Sr. Ilia Delio, OSF, PhD will be the keynote speaker and will present on “Deep Incarnation and the Body of Christ:  Living in a World of Meaning and Purpose”. Her talk is on how Saint Francis of Assisi was an ardent follower of Christ and believed in the holiness of creation because of the incarnation. In our own time, the Jesuit scientist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin also spoke of the holiness of matter because God is at the heart of all life. This talk will focus on the significance of the incarnation and its significance for shaping a world of change.

Her talk in Session 1 will be “A Discussion with Sr. Ilia Delio.”

Fr. Jim Sabak, OFM will present on “A Franciscan Perspective on the Liturgy of the Hours.” The practice of daily prayer is an ancient tradition, one as old as the celebration of the Eucharist. Through the lens of the Franciscan tradition, we see how praying the Liturgy of the Hours unites heaven and earth, the human and the divine in a daily sanctification of human life.

Ann O’Hara will present on “Of Hummingbirds, Quaking Aspens and St. Clare: What’s love got to do with it?” We will be looking at love – the heart of the matter. How can we see with the eyes of our heart? How do we see Christ in all of God’s vast creation?

Tim Fasano will present on “Fertile Soil: The Healing Power of Nature and the Poor’s Lack of Access.” We will explore how God’s gift of Creation is a source of psychological, social, and spiritual health, and how those experiencing poverty often lack equal access to such resources. 

Rosemary Czejkowski will present on “The Domestic Church: Family is Everything.” Family is our first experience of love and where we are called and challenged to love each other with the love of Jesus. How do we find holiness in the business and the fun of family life? 

John Orth and Ron Monti will present on “The Shroud of Turin: Truth or Myth.” Is the Shroud of Turin the burial cloth of Jesus? In this talk we’ll discuss some of the latest research and compelling evidence.

Jim Walh will present on “Taste and See: The Matter of Sacraments Matters.” When we celebrate liturgy and the sacraments, we use the things of this world, and these things matter. Living this principle of sacramentality allows us to not only encounter the revelation of God in the sacraments, but to experience and discover God revealed within and among us in our daily lives. 

Michelle Kaiser will present on “Oikos – A Home for All: A Reflective Tour of the St. Francis Community Garden. St. Francis’ and his followers’ teachings on creation, and Jesus’ incarnation, also make it clear that God’s “house” is not just a building, but the entire world we live in. We will reflect upon the meaning of “oikos”, or home, for all members of the world through the real example of the St. Francis Community Garden. (Session will be outdoors in the garden, prepare shoes and clothes appropriately. Rain day location will be in the Stewardship Center) 

Gladys Whitehouse will present on “A Synodal Church: How do we live this in our lives and as a faith community?” Pope Francis is calling us to be a synodal Church. I do not have the answer to this but trust that we will learn from one another as we explore this topic.

Elizabeth Kearse will present on “Discovering Christ in Your Kitchen.” Encountering Christ around the table begins before you sit down to enjoy a meal. Discover how to include Christ in your kitchen from menu planning to your shopping list, to gathering ingredients, and finally to serving your meal with family and friends.

Jennifer Fiduccia will present on “Wandering Toward Holiness: Encountering the Spirit in Ministry.” As a synodal Church we are called to listen to the Spirit. How can we be attentive to the movement of the Spirit and to what we are being called especially within our community? This workshop will explore practical methods to become more Spirit-led in our ministry. 

Trevor and Elizabeth Thompson will present on “Giving God Glory: Journeying with Health and Wellness in a Technocratic Age.” Second-century theologian St. Ireneaus said, “The glory of God is the human fully alive.” In this workshop, Trevor and Elizabeth Thompson will share a Creation-centered perspective on health and wellness and explore the challenges and possibilities of being “fully alive” body, mind, and soul in today’s world.